We've built 9 curated reports that make it easy for you to tell a story with your data. Our product and engineering teams partnered with our professional services team to curate the insights found in each of these reports. We believe they provide a great summary and starting point at getting to know your audience.
The 9 reports are:
- Audience Introduction Report
- Personal Values Report
- Demographics Report
- Brand Affinity Report
- Media Planning Report (new)
- Media Consumption Report
- Category Affinity Report
- Site Affinity Report
- Audience Comparison Report
We also have a Political Drivers Report (for our P&A clients only).
Each report comes with a Glossary, can be shared via Email even with colleagues without a Resonate login, and was designed with being exported in mind. Our clients love to export these reports to include in presentations to colleagues or their customers.
You can read the Glossary by clicking on the blue information icon in the top right corner of the report.
The Report Glossary will also be included in your downloaded files when you export a curated report from the platform, except for csv exports. This affects the Site Affinity Report and the Category Affinity Report. For the Audience Comparison PDF Export - the Glossary will be shown on the last page.
To send your report via email, click on the blue Share button in the top right corner of the report. You can share both saved and unsaved Audiences, but we recommend that you save your Audience, so that the shared report would have a clear and comprehensible title, instead of the default, alphanumeric Audience name.
Next, enter your report's recipient(s), add a subject line and, optionally, a message. You also have the option to send yourself a copy of the emailed report.
Once you're ready to dive deeper into our insights, click on the Analytics tab and select the insights that will help answer your specific business questions.
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