Demographics Report
You can access the Demographics Report under the Reports menu when viewing an analysis for your selected audience(s) in the Intelligence Center.
What is this report? The Demographics Report provides a full demographic break down to explain more about who makes up your audience. With this comprehensive insight into your audiences’ demographic composition, you will have a better and deeper understanding of who you are targeting.
Benefits: The Demographics Report helps you quickly identify the key demographics for your audience. With this comprehensive insight into your audiences’ demographic composition, you will have a better and deeper understanding of who you are targeting.
How to use it? Use the insights in this report to inform your market research on an audience, customer segmentation and targeting strategy. Validate whether your target audience matches your assumptions demographically and potentially uncover new target audiences.
When you are analyzing multiple audiences, you will see that each audience will have its separate Demographics Report. Simply scroll down to view all of them.
The Demographics Report addresses the composition of your audience by:
- Gender
- Age Group
- Household Income
- Education
- Employment Status
- Marital Status
- Number of Children Under 18 Years
With clear labels, legends and iconography, the graphs representing your data make it easy to understand your audiences at a glance. Look for the bolder bars in your charts to immediately see which segments stand out the most. The grey background bars help show the composition of your baseline audience - which is the online adult population by default. When you update your baseline, the grey background bars will update as well.
To export - click the download icon at the top right of the page. A png per audience in your analysis will be exported, as well as a Glossary that helps further explain the data and metrics used in the report. These exports are designed to be shared, are "presentation-friendly," great for new business pitches, sharing insights with your colleagues, or reports to your boss to make you look good.
You can easily share a png of the report by clicking the share icon at the top right of the report.
For more information on the data and metrics used in the report, click the i icon at the top of the report to view the Report Glossary. The glossary will be exported when you choose to export this report.
Arrow Buttons
On the top right of the report are arrow buttons. Click them to flip to the next report that's in the Report sub-nav. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard - perhaps our favorite feature yet! Especially as we add more reports, this will make it even easier to tell a story with your data.
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