Please refer to the following best practices when implementing the track method for your site:
Transparent Naming Conventions:
- When passing the name of the website section or content category use meaningful labels for the site categories so that your end users will be able to easily identify the parts of the website that correspond to the particular site section.
- We would recommend you avoid using codes or abbreviations as these can be confusing when users from other departments log into the platform. For example, we use the Tier 2 category (Tier1 name - Tier2 Page) Platform - Ignite Platform so that a user in the interface could tell that this tag data corresponded to this site section
Granularity of Values:
- Avoid passing highly fragmented data values from your website (ex. URLs, unique page names, order-ids, specific cart prices). The Resonate Ignite platform does not allow for mass data transform capabilities like business intelligence platforms, so passing through highly fragmented data values would pollute the interface and make it more difficult to work with your data.
- You are limited to sending 40,000 values across the whole tag.
Tag Reportability Thresholds:
- Tag Values must have at least 5,500-6,500 matched IDs in order to be analyzed; and in some cases, this may require even more activity as outlined in our Knowledge Base Article - Resonate Tag Reportability Thresholds.
- The goal is to create a data taxonomy which results in a large enough sample to achieve useful analysis and insights.
Capturing Key Site Actions that Align with Business Goals:
- Look at what types of events you have on your site as well as where you want to capture and create audiences for insights, activation, and measurement.
- Think of tracking events that answer these questions: Are your website visitors putting products in a cart? Are they clicking a button to request more information? Are they purchasing products? Are they signing up for a newsletter?
- Decide on what type of event information is important to capture and pull into Resonate to measure, gain insight, and activate.
- When passing data to Resonate for User Events, you will want to be able to analyze everyone who signed up for a Newsletter as a single audience. Do not send Individual click events or individual IDs or PII related to each user who took a certain action
- When creating your snippets, it is important to pass events with a meaningful event name so you can easily and quickly locate these dynamic attributes in Resonate, add them to an analysis, and get insights or measure.
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