As you are aware, the past few years have presented unprecedented challenges for businesses as a result of a volatile market. In response to these dynamic conditions, we introduced monthly Recent Event Flash Studies to provide real-time insights into the changing consumer landscape.
Now that consumers have begun to transition back to a more normal day to day, we’ve decided to incorporate our Recent Events data into our United States Consumer Study that releases every other month.
What does this mean for you?
So, what does this mean for you? On 9/7/23, we will transition the Recent Event Flash Waves and the Recent Events Flash Studies section of the taxonomy to appear under a new section called Recent Events/Daily Life within the Resonate Elements Taxonomy (previously known as Daily Life).These changes to our Recent Event data make it easier to:
- View Recent Events attributes as insights against other audiences
- View Recent Events attributes as insights against your digital footprint
- Measure them through Audience Crosstab
- Include Recent Event attributes in Data Append
If you have any saved audiences or audience deliveries that use these Recent Events Flash Study attributes, they must be updated with their corresponding Resonate Element attribute for continued analysis or delivery before 9/7/23.
- Remove the Recent Events attribute from your audience.
- Find the corresponding insight in Resonate Elements. Access them from Segmentation Center within Resonate Elements by using the search or navigating the taxonomy. The phrasing of the question should be similar through the transition.
- Update and save your audience with the new insight and continue analyzing and delivering successfully.
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