As we update data in the platform, some Attribute Values will become inactivated and removed from the Resonate platform. If you have a saved audience that contains inactive attribute values, the following things will happen:
1. You'll notice that the audience won't show metrics, either on the Your Saved Audiences page or when on the Create Tab and selecting audiences. An audience with an inactive attribute value cannot be added to an analysis.
2. If you click to edit that audience, you'll see in the Audience Logic that there are red inactive attribute values.
3. If you have an existing analysis with an audience that now has inactive attribute values, you'll see a warning that the inactive audience will be excluded from your analysis results.
4. You will not be able to export reports for audiences with inactive attribute values.
5. You will not be able to Activate an audience with inactive attribute values.
6. If you have an audience that is delivering, and an attribute in that audience becomes inactive, the audience will stop delivering.
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