1st Party Data: Data provided by you - the client - like your CRM file, email marketing list, DMP data, etc. Comes into the Resonate Platform under "My Imported Attributes" in the Audience Builder found from the Create tab - Create an Audience.
3rd Party Data: Resonate appends our primary research survey responses with offline purchase data and other 3rd party data sets in order to validate and enrich our attributes and insights. This matching uses verified Personally Identifiable Information (PII) by contracted panels and data partners. Resonate never observes, stores, nor sells this PII.
3rd Party Segments: Allows you to onboard 3rd party segments from hundreds of industry data vendors, including IRI, Kantar and Kochava, in order to gain a rich understanding of your customers, partners, and even your competitors' customers.
Activation Impression: When targeting and buying media, an Activation Impression is counted when an ad impression is bought using Resonate data (not when a device ID is simply delivered to a DSP/DMP). Activation Impressions also include Mobile IDs of audiences that are downloaded from the Resonate Platform and uploaded into client’s social media platform account – such as Meta.
Ad Supported Sites: An ad supported site is a website that allows advertising from outside partners and companies to be shown no the website. For example, CNN.com is an ad supported site, where as Gap.com is not.
Estimated Targetable IDs: the estimated available number of IDs within Resonate’s ID Graph that can be activated for an audience
Audience: A group or segment of people. An Audience can be comprised of Resonate survey attribute values, tags, 1st party data, 3rd party segments, behavioral attributes, geography data, etc, and should be used for detailed analysis or as a way to activate media.
Audience Events: An event is equivalent to a Resonate tag / pixel 'fire.' An event generally occurs when a page or ad creative is loaded, but can also occur when Audiences are onboarded into the Resonate Platform via a DMP. In that case, each matched ID would be an Audience Event. Audience Events allow for real-time research of engagers with that tag, unlocking 10,000 attributes about the people behind the click.
Baseline Audience: The baseline audience is the audience to which you're comparing your audience when viewing an analysis. The default baseline audience is the online adult population. For example, if you build an audience of Male Millennials and view insights, you're comparing the characteristics of your Male Millennials audience against the default baseline audience of the online adult population. You can change your baseline audience, and the Index and Composition metrics you see in your analysis will change depending on the baseline you set. For example, you can change the baseline to an audience of Males, and then compare characteristics of your Male Millennials audience against all Males.
Behavioral Attribute: An individual trait or characteristic that you can use to define an audience where the data is based on recent online content consumption. Ex. Read content online recently about Bluegrass Music.
CPM: CPM stands for cost per thousand impressions and is a term used in online advertising where advertisers pay for every 1,000 ads served.
CRM: Customer Relationship Management is a system that manages a company’s interaction with current and potential customers.
Composition: The proportion of those in a specific audience who have that specific trait. (Ex: Taking care of family, composition = 44%, means 44% of people in that specific audience values taking care of family when making decisions).
Connected Profile Attributes: Tags, Engaged Audiences, Flash Models, Imported 1st and 3rd party data, and Geography data. Once you add a Connected Profile attribute to your audience, you will see an icon identifying that you are now in the Connected Profile (predicted) data universe to help you understand the implications on audience metrics and resulting insights.
Cookie: A small amount of text data used to remember information from page to page and visit to visit. Cookies can contain information such as user preferences or shopping cart contents.
Custom Behavioral Audiences: An audience of Resonate device IDs that consumed a particular topic found in the Resonate Behavioral data stream. Custom Behavioral Audiences are loaded into the platform by Resonate Professional Services. Custom Behavioral Audiences can look back 30, 60 or 90 days and are loaded one-time into the Resonate Platform and do not refresh automatically.
Data Science Look-Alike Model: High-performing look-alike models that identify hundreds of thousands to millions of consumers that are behaviorally similar to the survey respondents who met the criteria defined for an audience. These models consider behavior similarity and ensure that audiences are large enough for scale.
DMP: A Data Management Platform – vendors such as Adobe Audience Manager, Oracle Bluekai, etc, is a technology platform used for collecting and managing data for digital marketing purposes.
DSP: A Demand Side Platform – vendors such as Adelphic, Adobe, and others, is a system that allows marketers to buy digital advertising inventory.
Total Events is number of audience events/hits on the tag over the past 2 years or from when the tag was placed.
First Seen: The date that activity from the tag was first observed.
Green Hierarchy is a category of data that can be found within the ESG section of our taxonomy. This category is a rollup of the questions below.
The rollup itself is proprietary however it’s criteria balances both the number of options selected, as a well as the diversity of types of engagements: spending history, support for environmental regulations, and support for environmental tax incentives. It also gives higher scores to actions that require more commitment, ex: Installing alternative energy systems is given a higher score than using reusable bags.
Group: A set of segment data that holds a specific category of values.
Health Engaged Audience: Attributes formed from our NLP algorithm observing online consumer behavior centered around healthcare conditions and topics
Health & Pharma Resonate Elements: Survey-based attributes from Resonate’s National Consumer Study centered around consumer healthcare conditions, care, and management
HEM (Hashed Email): “Hashing” is simply a process of taking regular email addresses and encoding them using a cryptographic hashing function. This process creates an obfuscated string of characters, or hash, to now represent the email. Each hash has a fixed number of characters, depending on the type of hash function used (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256).
Impression: The display of an advertisement on a web page.
Imputation: A highly educated prediction to how a survey respondent (aka person taking the survey) would have answered a survey question.
Index: Index scores report how more or less likely your specific audience is to possess a trait or attribute relative to the baseline audience, with 100 representing average. Any attribute indexing at higher than 100 is unique to your audience; if it is below 100, that attribute is less present among your audience than the average adult online. (Ex: Taking care of family, index= 152, means your audience is 52% more likely than the average individual to value taking care of family).
Incidence rate: The frequency with which an attribute occurs among people taking a survey. For example, if you ask 100 people to take a survey, and you ask their hair color, how many people do you expect to have red hair? Generally, 1-2% of the population has red hair, so the incidence rate for "has red hair" is 1-2%.
Insight: Any individual trait or characteristic that you can use to understand a specific audience online.
Insight Group: Within each category (Personal Values), attributes/insights are joined into groups based on their similarities. Ex: Within the category “Personal Values” there is the Insight Group “Security” which includes the attributes/insights: Health & Longevity, Financial Stability, Self-Preservation. Under the Burst Chart in Audience Discovery are index scores for the Insight Group overall, representing how more or less likely the audience is to make decisions based on that set of attributes/insights.
IP Address: An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a unique number assigned to every device on a network. Every single device that is connected to the internet has an IP address.
IPv4: Internet Protocol version 4 – a 32-bit address that is usually represented in dotted decimal notation, with a decimal value representing each of the four octets (bytes) that make up the address. (
IPv6: Intended to replace IPv4 – 28-bits divided along 16-bit boundaries. Each 16-bit block is converted to a 4-digit hexadecimal number and separated by colons. The resulting representation is called colon-hexadecimal. (FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210).
Last Seen: The date that activity from the tag was most recently observed.
Limited: Attributes that are limited can only be combined in an audience with other Resonate Elements. Limited attributes cannot be combined with the following data types in an audience for analysis or activation: Tag, Behavioral, Geography, 1st Party, or 3rd party segments. Limited attributes will not show as insights against audiences that contain the following data types: Tag, Behavioral, Geography, 1st Party, or 3rd party segments.
Loads: The total number of times the specific tag associated with that activity has fired, including multiple loads initiated by one user (ie. one user visiting the page multiple times).
Low sample: The attribute is derived from a low number of survey respondents.
MAID: The mobile advertising ID, also known as a mobile ad ID or a MAID, is a sequence of alphanumeric characters assigned to a mobile phone or tablet by the device’s operating system, either iOS or Android.
Natural Language Processing (NLP): Algorithm that crawls and pulls data from thousands of webpages per day to identify content being consumed by consumers
OAP: Online Adult Population. The number of people in the United States who are online according to Pew Research.
Organic Traffic: Visitors who come to your Website from unpaid organic or natural search engine results.
Questionnaire: A survey with a list of questions and multi-select or single select answers.
Quota: When fielding a survey, we strictly enforce a series of demographic quotas designed to ensure that people taking the survey look like the general online adult population across the characteristics of age/gender composite, income, ethnicity and region of the country.
Records: A row in a spreadsheet in an onboarding file.
Resonate Elements: Attributes based on our continuous research data, informed by survey questions and behavioral data.
Respondent: A person who took our NCS survey.
Schema: Fixed format for the onboarding file (column order, what needs to be in the columns, etc.)
Segment: A group of your records that are defined by a specific attribute (a group/value pairing).
Segmentation: The process of dividing a group of people into groups based on different characteristics, like interests, needs, demographic attributes, etc.
Site Affinity Report: The Site Affinity Report shows you a list of websites survey audiences frequently visit. Note that this feature comes at an extra cost. Contact your Resonate Client Partner to enable it for your account. The Site Affinity Report can help you identify where to find your audience online so you can make better-informed decisions for your targeting and ad-buying strategy. Looking over the report will also give you an additional understanding of what types of content people in your audience are interested in.
Survey Attribute: An individual trait or characteristic that you can use to define an audience that is based on data collected via the Resonate survey. Ex. Male or Female, Household income, Type of Car Owned, etc.
Survey Data: Data collected via Resonate's primary research survey.
Sync Pixel/Tag: A tag is a snippet of HTML code that is loaded into the body of a web page, email, or media creative. The tag code captures information about people visiting a page, or those interacting with the media. A sync pixel is simply a specialized type Resonate tag. Our Intelligent Onboarding solution uses a Resonate sync pixel to connect our client’s unique identifier to a Resonate ID via a match table. No Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is ever exchanged in this process. The Resonate tag allows clients to bring additional data into the Resonate platform related to a consumer’s attributes (i.e. product purchased, dollars purchased, geo, times on site, etc.) for insights and activation.
Tag: A small snippet of code that is inserted into the body of a web page, email, or into a piece of media creative. The tag code captures information about people visiting a page, or those interacting with the media.
Tag Data: Once your tag has seen enough significant traffic, you're able to analyze your Tag Data to gain a holistic understanding of those interacting with your digital properties.
Typing Tool: A set of questions that places consumers into one of several pre-defined segments based on their answers.
Total Internet Composition: The distribution of that trait or attribute among all adults online.
Matched IDs for Tags: the number of IDs matched to Resonate's ID graph from your tag hits seen from the time you placed the tag going forward (up to two years)
Matched IDs for Engaged Audiences and Flash Models: the total number of IDs that represent your audience for insights
Unique ID: An ID (HEM, IP, MAID) that is counted only once during a week (Sunday-Saturday) regardless of how many times it was seen in a file. A unique ID could show up as multiple records (rows in a spreadsheet) based on the number of segments it falls into but will only be counted as a Unique ID once.
Unique Visitor (UV): Unique visitor to a specific web page.
User Seat: A named person with a login to the Resonate Platform who can contact Resonate support.
Values: Within a column of segment data in a data file, the entry for a given record that indicates a trait or attribute value.
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