We have 19 personal values in the platform from the work of social psychologist Shalom Schwartz. This personal value structure has been found to be cross-culturally stable and has been proven to be consistent with purchase outcomes.
There are 4 subcategories, with values in each.
- Openness to Change
- Pleasure - Enjoying Life’s Pleasures
- Creativity - Freedom to be Creative
- Independence - Freedom to Determine Actions
- Stimulation - Life Full of Excitement, Novelties and Challenges
- Self-enhancement
- Influence - Acquiring wealth and influence
- Authority - Being in charge and directing people
- Reputation - Maintaining a good public image
- Achievement - Show abilities and be admired
- Conservation
- Conformity - Avoiding upsetting or harming people
- Tradition - Maintaining traditions
- Duty - Obeying laws and fulfilling obligations
- Security - Safety in community and nation
- Safety - Safety in oneself and family
- Self-transcendence
- Tolerance - Acceptance of those who are different
- Humility - Being humble
- Dependability - Being reliable and trustworthy
- Caring - Caring for family/friends
- Nature - Caring for nature
- Equality - Everyone treated equally
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