To provide you with greater data transparency and empower you to make the best decisions with your data, we improved our data notifications to bolster your understanding of audience metrics as you are building audiences in the platform. Previously we were showing audience size and Estimated Targetable IDs as green, yellow and red, but there was some inconsistency and lack of clarity on what these colors meant and when they changed and why. Our improved data notifications are meant to streamline your understanding of audience metrics and their implications.
One of these alerts notifies users of low sample audiences by displaying a yellow diamond icon with a “Low Sample Audience” message when applicable next to Resonate Elements only audiences you are analyzing. Low sample means that the attribute(s) in your audience definition are derived from a low number of survey respondents. You can hover over the icon in the platform for a tooltip with additional information.
At Resonate, we have established guidelines to ensure the statistical reliability of our survey data. Our reporting threshold requires a minimum of 30 completes per response before publishing. Various factors can influence whether a particular response achieves sufficient sample size, including the rarity of the response and overall sample size. For responses that don't meet this threshold, we will typically combine it with an ‘other’ category if available. We track the incidence of low-performing sample attributes across six waves of our syndicated study. If after six waves the sample requirement is still not met, we'll remove the attribute from the study.
It's important to note that changes in consumer behavior or opinion shifts could result in more people selecting a previously underrepresented response, potentially allowing it to meet the threshold in the future. In cases where immediate insights are needed for low-sample responses, we can explore alternative options such as custom studies to gather targeted data on the topic. Our aim is to provide you with the most reliable and statistically sound data possible while offering flexibility to meet your research needs.
While we are still able to return insights for these types of audiences, it is important to understand that the audience is low sample or niche. This means that while the Resonate platform will provide insights, due to the low sample, there may be increased variability in the resulting insights. This provides you with an opportunity to use your best judgment when analyzing, especially when viewing niche insights on a small audience.
For example, if you are analyzing Millennials who drive Audis – that is a pretty niche group only representing 0.3% of the population. If you analyze this audience against a niche insight like Stream DirecTV Now, statistics can start to get lower quickly and higher variability in insights is possible.
By giving you the most information at your fingertips and helping you interpret your insights with full data transparency, we’re empowering you to make higher-quality, data-driven decisions for your business.
Additional FAQs
Why aren't my audience size numbers green, yellow or red in the platform now?
Previously, as you were building audiences in Segmentation center, the platform displayed audience size numbers as green, yellow or red as a visual cue for low sample audiences. To improve clarity, we have removed the color-coding on audience size numbers. Now audience size numbers will always be black, unless an audience is terminal and returns no insights. This alleviates any deciphering you’ve had to do in the past around what the colors meant. We’re including a low small audience icon only when you’ve built a small audience.
Will you still see red audience numbers in the platform?
You will see a red audience size when there are no insights to return for an audience. We want red to signal that the audience is terminal – meaning you cannot proceed with the audience.
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