How does rAI determine which Insights are statistically significant?
rAI utilizes z-score, which is a statistical measurement of how the insight value percent composition compares to the baseline selected and is measured in terms of standard deviations. A larger z-score means the insight value is more statistically significant. The top 100 z-score insights are then summarized.
What type of audiences can you use with AI Insights?
You can analyze any audience with AI Insights that you can analyze within the Analytics tab. You can use audiences that contain Resonate Elements, Connected Profiles, tags, Engaged Audiences, 1st party onboarded data, and geography data.
Can I change the baseline of my audience?
Yes, you can change what baseline you compare your audience to. The default baseline is the Online Adult Population, but you may choose to select a certain gender, age or region to further refine your insights. Learn more about how to change the baseline.
Can I use DMA Geography as Insights?
Yes, with AI Insights by rAI you can use premium Geography (DMAs, congressional districts) as Insights.
Does Resonate share any client information with external AI platforms?
No, neither client data nor proprietary information about the audience is ever sent to an external AI platform in the creation of the AI Insights report. We only send information about our Resonate Elements and their statistical significance to generate the AI Insights report.
How long does it take to load the AI Insights report?
AI Insights scans and analyzes hundreds of insights to help save you hours of manual analyst work. The report may take a few minutes to load depending on your audience and insights selected.
How can I export my AI Insights report?
The best way to export your AI Insights report at the moment is to take screenshots. You can also copy and paste the text into another file. We are looking to add additional export functionality.
Why does the AI Insights report change over time?
Resonate utilizes data that is recent and updated regularly and thus can affect the AI Insights findings accordingly. The AI-generated reports are also dynamic and leverage the newest technology of machine learning Natural Language Processing models.
What is the recommended number of Insights you can select?
We recommend selecting roughly between 200-1,000 insights when using the AI Insights feature. But if you need to, you can select up to 2,500 insights. It will just take rAI a little longer to generate the report since it is crunching a lot of numbers under the hood.
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