Resonate’s Recent Events data provides a timely pulse on notable marketplace events and emerging trends related to consumer sentiment to help you form in-the-moment, meaningful connections with our fresh, relevant insights.
Wave 2301B provides insights on the U.S. population and their experiences with recent events and emerging trends, including insights around what they’re personally concerned with in the next 6 months, inflation and the economy, the latest political views, and health-related concerns like the Flu, and COVID-19. Wave 2301B was fielded between February 6 - February 26 and had approximately 4,200 respondents.
This pulse-of-the consumer market research, combined with the full Resonate Elements data set reveals critical insights on consumer behavior, sentiment, and intent – making it easy for you to take the next right action.
The PDF guide for Wave 2301B that shows all questions and answers is attached.
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