General FAQs
What are Custom Predictive Models by rAI?
Custom Predictive Models by rAI are AI-driven models tailored to your specific marketing needs. They leverage Resonate's real-time AI infrastructure to provide unprecedented efficiency and effectiveness in transforming your marketing strategies.
How do Custom Predictive Models differ from traditional methods?
Custom Predictive Models offer several advantages over traditional methods:
- Efficiency: Rapid turnaround time of 5 business days.
- Effectiveness: Leveraging Resonate's observed behaviors for accurate predictions.
- Cost-effective: Competitive pricing and reduced vendor management.
What are the key challenges addressed by Custom Predictive Models?
Custom Predictive Models address the following common challenges:
- Limited known customer behavior data
- Slow turnaround times
- Lack of actionable insights
- High costs associated with multiple vendors
Model Development and Delivery
What is the typical timeline for model development?
The modeling process can be completed within 5 business days of receiving a clean customer file.
What deliverables will I receive?
You will receive:
- Data match report
- Modeling documentation (development process, key drivers, metrics)
- Model score appended to your customer file
- Additional deliverables based on the model type (e.g., next best customer, propensity to churn)
Model Implementation and Usage
What are the input requirements for the model?
The input file should include specific data types, fields, and formatting requirements as outlined in the Technical Guide document.
How can I interpret the model's results?
The methodology document will guide interpreting probability scores and other metrics, and how to use the information for activation.
Technical FAQs
What IDs are accepted for matching?
Resonate accepts HEMs, MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-256 IDs.
What is the minimum number of records required for matching?
At least 6400 records are required for the initial matching process. Incremental files can be smaller.
How are embeddings used in the models?
Resonate Embeddings provide a 90-day digital footprint of US consumers' online behavior, enhancing the model's predictive capabilities. This data is refreshed monthly.
How long does the Predictive Modeling process take once a sales agreement is signed?
The modeling process delivers results within 5 days of receipt of a clean file.
What are the expected match rates?
Expected match rates vary depending on the quality of data provided. When providing HEMs, we generally see a 40-60% match rate.
How do I know if my model is effective?
There are a few metrics to consider when evaluating a Predictive Model:
- Precision: Precision typically ranges from 60% to 80%, depending on the type of business and the data quality. A higher precision rate is valuable because it means fewer false positives—i.e., customers who are incorrectly predicted to churn.
- Compare the Average Precision score to the Distribution Metric. Distribution is the baseline according to the file provided. The Average Precision score should be higher than the Distribution score. If these metrics are too similar the model is not providing lift over random predictions.
Why are my Estimated Targetable IDs so high compared to my matched records for Next Best Customer Models?
- The records found in each decile have been gradient boosted or undergone a look-alike step that enables clients to find more customers in the Resonate ecosystem for Activation purposes.
- For the Activation step it may not be feasible to retarget all of the IDs that are available. Customers can request a specific subset or percentage of IDs from a decile or combination of deciles for retargeting.
Why are my Estimated Targetable IDs so low compared to my matched records for Churn Models?
- For churn the baseline for estimated targetable IDs is limited to the matched records. There is no gradient boosting or look-alike function for the deciles in churn models.
- The estimated targetable IDs found in each decile for churn exclude the records where the client file indicates the customer has already churned. Therefore, if you desire to push a decile or combination of deciles to an Activation endpoint the audience will be created for IDs that show the highest probability for churn.
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