Resonate will provide two output files as the deliverables for the rAI-powered Data Install. We recommend using your data science or analytics resources who can help ingest these files internally in your environment.
The output file location will be at your preferred destination AWS, Snowflake, or Box.
Resonate Output File Deliverables
1. IP Data File
The IP Data File will be a compressed .csv file and will include several columns.
- Column 1 contains the list of IP addresses.
- Column 2+ will contain a key
- These keys are attributes that you chose in the beginning of the process
- The number of attributes included in the file depend on the attributes you chose.
2. Key Definitions File
- The file provides definition of the keys. It provides the human readable name of the attribute tied to the key
- The customer must map the keys from columns 2+ in the output file to “survey_value_keys” column in definition file
- This file lists all the attributes purchased by the customer.
- Example: If the output file contains a key = “137912”, that means the ID containing this key is in the age group 18-24.
- The file also includes whether the question the attribute was derived from was a single-select or multi-select question
3. Summary File
This document provides a summary of the contents in your Data Install Output file. It includes the following details:
- Columns A to E: Display the full taxonomy of each attribute value.
- SURVEYVALUEKEY: The survey_value_key corresponding to each attribute, as reflected in the output file.
- DISTINCT_COUNT: Represents the total number of IDs in the output file that are true for the given attribute value.
- Example: If the DISTINCT_COUNT for "gender = female" is 188, this means we have predicted 188 female IDs in the customer output file.
- PERCENTAGE: The percentage of records that are true for the attribute value in each row.
- Example: If the PERCENTAGE for "gender = female" is 94%, this means that 94% of the records in the customer output file are predicted to be female.
Use this file to verify that your Output and Definition files are correctly aligned. After ingesting the file from us and formatting it on your end, we recommend that you perform a QA check by comparing your formatted data with the metrics provided in the summary report. For example, confirm if the counts for demographic categories like males and females in your formatted data align with the values in the summary report.
Joining the Output File Back to Your Customer Database
Resonate output files are easily ingested with the help of your analytics or data science team. Due to large file size and quantity of data, these files require more advanced technical resources and are difficult to interpret and analyze on tools like excel.
How to Read the Output Files
Below we’ve provided a simplified example to show how to interpret the file outputs.
In this example, your output file contains the following:
By referencing the Key Definitions File, you would interpret the keys as follows:
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